Thursday afternoon: Dad's flight arrives in Paris. I go to school until lunch time, then take a train to Paris. Lo siento Madame LaMache! At least an hour late (Metro ticket problems/walking halfway across Paris) I am at the Hotel Elysa! Up a spiral staircase and down the hallway to room 103. Knock on the door... and there is Dad!
And guess what else? It is christmas, sort of. Here is the first photo with my new camera (thank you thank you thank you!!!):

That evening we ate at a Lebanese restaurant, then visited Notre Dame, Shakespeare & Co., and bought gloves to protect against the Mistral! Or that's what it seemed like thursday and friday.

Friday: A continental breakfast at the hotel reminded me that the french really don't eat like americans! Afterwards, a walk to Beaubourg, which wasn't open yet. So I bought Les Misérables (the original, all three volumes and in french!) at a librairie, then we took a coffee just across from the museum. A long line began queing outside, so we finished and joined it. Then I finally went to Beaubourg!

Dad's first crêpe. A sort of holy light came into his eyes...

That night we went out to Le Potager du Marais, a petit restaurant near Beaubourg. Inside there is a row of tables, which the waiter pulls out so you can sit down an the booth. The waiter is charming and the food is wonderful.

Emily, I had a terrific time with you in Paris. Thanks for introducing me to your host family and friends. They are all wonderful, fun people. Also, thanks for helping me with French phrases. You have given me so many memories...throughout the day, at any given moment, memories from our week together pop into my head to make me laugh, smile, and think of Nutella or pigeons.
Your photos are great. Keep on clicking and posting!
Love, Papa.
Hi Emily
I want to see the holy light of crepe deliciousness too!
Beautiful pictures!!!
I particularily like the one of Dad making the goofy face...reminds me of Bill Cosby...
Actually, my favorite is the very first one...of you and Dad of my all time favorites!
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